You should read…

Looking for great examples of mass shooting reporting? Look no further. Check out these links:

ABC: VIDEO: Silence Broken, a mother’s reckoning 

An interview with Susan Klebold, mother of Columbine shooter Dylan Klebold. 

CNN: VIDEO: Active shooter training becomes the new normal

Think a normal gun owner has what it takes to stop an active shooter? CNN investigates.

GQ: Should We Get Used to Mass Shootings?

A touching exploration of 14 mass shootings in 10 days.

Mother Jones: How the Media Inspires Mass Shooters

Do “copycat” crimes exist?

New York Times: How they got their guns

New York Times: ‘Run, Hide, Fight’ is not how our brains work

USA Today: Behind the Bloodshed

Washington Post: The Hidden Life of Guns

Three data investigations on how criminals obtain their weapons.

Washington Post: Are mass shootings contagious? Some scientists who study how viruses spread say yes.

An explanation of “contagion” theory.

Washington Post: ‘Damaged masculinity’ may help explain Columbine and other mass shootings

Why are so many shooters white young men?

Washington Post: A survivor’s life

Recovery after a mass shooting in Roseburg, Ore. 

Washington Post: An American Void

The family that housed Charleston shooter Dylann Roof. 

5280 Magazine: Colorado Springs’ Identity Crisis

How America’s “gun Mecca” wrestles with a spate of shootings. 

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